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I would like to know more: Norm criticism and norm creativity

Norm critical dimensions in the design of richer business models.

WHAT does the company currently offer its customers and employees when it comes to customer value, capital, competency, collaboration and culture? What does they not offer? What does this mean in relation to the company’s inclusive business model(s)?

WHY does the company need to work with inclusive business models? Why not just continue as before?

WHO are the company trying to reach today? Whom are they not trying to reach? What kinds of relationships does the company have with various customers? What resources are there and how are they used? What competencies are needed? What norms and values exist that relate to Customer value, Capital, Competency, Collaboration Communication and Culture?

HOW can Customer value, Capital, Competency, Collaboration Communication and Culture be questioned and challenged on the basis of norm criticism? How can these constituent parts of the business model be developed, through norm creativity, so that they are more inclusive and lead to the realisation of the company’s full business potential? How can different people and perspectives be involved in the generation of ideas and the design and implementation of various solutions?

WHO should be involved, throughout your company’s operations, to develop more inclusive business models? Who should be in charge of the various processes needed to realise your full business potential


“Our company has a clear vision that we should employ an equal number of women and men, and we work hard to achieve this, both when it comes to culture and recruitment. As an example, the recruitment process that we have developed in collaboration with the university has led to many successful recruitments over the past year, which is great. This is especially clear in our newly-established subsidiary, where 50 percent of the workforce are women.”


Additional resources

Innovation Beyond Social Norms  – Norm criticism and norm creativity may be new concepts for many. This article describes what it might mean, and how Veryday works with it as part of their business innovation model.

Promote Sustainable Change is a set of tools to work with sustainable change from a perspective of equality and diversity.

Digital Tools for Equality and Inclusion is a study providing an overview of all the digital tools available, and practical examples in the form of digital apps, tests, models, process support tools and training programmes.

Canvas for Working Inclusively SV is a PDF canvas designed to help you develop your business model and create more inclusive modes of work.

The Check List SV has been designed to support those who are responsible for or involved in company recruitment processes. The three fundamental factors that are always taken into account in the recruitment process are competency, equality and diversity.

The Gender Hand method SV aims to increase healthcare quality for women and men, but may be used in any meeting where some form of assessment of an intervention is to be made.

The film Sámi Network Connectivity presents Delayed Internet is a presentation of a tech project related to communication, with a perspective of equality.

The book Förändring är möjlig – från ord till handling för jämställdhet i företag SV (Gunnel Vidén and Malin Lindberg, 2017) describes how you can work with change management specifically connected to equality, in various organisations.

The Guide to Equal Communication SV, developed by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, contains tips and advice on how to use an approach grounded in equality to achieve better results with your communication.

Equal Treatment SV is a guide for those working with equality integration.

Mångväx SV is a project where companies are provided with clear business cases, demonstrating models for active equality work amongst businesses.